The point of this post?
God made us for fellowship and togetherness. The Bible tells us that we must " Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." Gal 6.2. Or in this case "carry ye one another's children", as they get tired of walking.
No Man is an Island
No man is an island, entire of itself
every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main
if a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were,
as well as if a manor of thy friends or of thine own were
any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind
and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls
it tolls for thee.
John Donne
"All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language; and every chapter must be so translated...As therefore the bell that rings to a sermon, calls not upon the preacher only, but upon the congregation to come: so this bell calls us all: but how much more me, who am brought so near the door by this sickness....No man is an island, entire of itself...any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."
John Donne lived the first half of his life steeped in worldly pleasures, and the second half he gave to God. Were he alive today, he would have been a figure of national prominence. He is probably more famous for his "love" poems than he is for being a Christian; so I was wondering how many more famous people are there out there (past or present) who are known more for their reputation made before they became a Christian? Indeed we may even be surprised to learn that they are/were Christian, as I was with John Donne. BTW I just love the phrase "translated into a better language."
So if you know of any , let me know. Go on surprise me.
God bless
I agree with what you said apart from you saying Adrian is handsome.
It was the "young" part I was worried about!
God bless
Hi Angelala
I will cover these comments with the Bible's advice "judge not lest ye shall be judged"............ draw your own conclusion
Samantha Fox: Encyclopedia BETA
In 1994, it was reported that she had become a born-again Christian and was invited to play at Christian music festival Greenbelt. When queried about how she could reconcile topless modelling with her Christian beliefs, she said:
:"Easily. God gave me my body. I know it has made many people happy. There is no conflict there. I don't and have never promoted pornography. I'm not a born-again Christian because I have always been one. I am doing what God wants me to do. My prayer each night is: Let me go my way and make people happy. Let me do the right thing."
After many years of rumours about a relationship with her female manager, Fox confirmed in her autobiography, published in 2003, that she was a lesbian, and that the rumours were true.
Perhaps the first quotaion is strong evidence in support of the Calvinistic doctrine of predestination.
She may well indeed be saved, but some teaching would not go amiss.
God bless
Dear Angelala
Are you by any chance related to Bambalala?
Hello, I am one of Adrian's research assistants from College Station, Texas, USA. Can I be a unofficial member of Jubilee Church too? Does listening to 5 or 6 six sermons from Adrian and 2-3 sermons from Tope qualify me?
Hi Paul
Thanks for your comment and welcome to the blog. It is always nice to be visited from Our American cousins, nice Photo too. I think you should persuade Adrian to appear along side Andree on his blog.
As far as I am concerned listening to 4 or 5 of Adrian's sermons qualifies you for a congressional medal of honour!!
I will now consider you to be a member in my "heart" and as a founder member of the Jubilee Church welcome team, I can officially extend the hand of fellowship to you. In fact if you send me your address I am sure I can get Adrian to send you a welcome pack!
Once again thanks for your your comment. keep visiting.
God bless
Yes, ask Adrian to send a welcome pack and tell him to include a better photo of him in his green wellies. I emailed yesterday to post a picture of himself in those things on his blog.
Being Adrian's lackey, oops I mean Research Assistant, I have to acquire audio sermons and post it on my blog and Adrian links to them on his. Have you been to my blog yet? My Blog I have about ten different posts of sermons links etc. I am a sermonaholic since I got saved 13 years ago.
So what do you do for a living?
How long have you've been going to Jubilee?
Hi Paul
Adrian says he will be only too happy to send you a welcome pack, just give him your address (seriously).
I also LOVE sermons, it takes a really bad preacher having a really bad day not to hold my interest.
I am not in full time employment at the moment, but my background is as a nurse for adults with a learning difficulty (hence my attraction to Adrian).
I am studying theology (preaching), as an open learning student at Spurgeon's college.
I also do some part-time photography, although this is in its very early stages. My heart is for people who are lost to alcohol/drug addiction, and I would love to manage a home where people in all sorts of dificulty could come and be shown the love of Jesus and be given hope. William Booth said "go for the lost and go for the worst."
I rather like that.
I am married to Nicky and we have four children. We have been at Jubilee for about ten years, and have been friends with Adrian, Andree and the children throughout. So as you can imagine I know lots of interesting stories about him....perhaps you could persuade him to let me publish some of them on His blog.
God bless
Ahh, Dave, does Adrian own the copyrights to those stories over the last 5-10 years? Only if you plan on righting a book maybe there will be some restrictions, but blogging is fair game, a matter of interpretation of events.
Adrian will get my address shortly, airmail is expensive.
I am doing less than part-time photography too, take a look. Choo Choo Blog I have been taking pictures off and on since 1996 as a hobby.
My wife is Becky and my 2 1/4 year old daughter is Kaylynn.
I work for Loanstar Systems which processes educational loans for college students. I work as a Collections Specialist calling borrowers who are past due on their loan debt.
My main ministry right now is the ministry of the husband and father. Those tasks are hard. Making sure to lead by example in the home, make wise decisions, love, discipline, making sure we have family devotions at least once a week studying the bible, praying and reading books that pertain to marriage and parenting.
My next ministry which is Awana's, a kid's based ministry of equipping kids with the gospel.
We've as a family, have been inviting couples from our church over to our place every other friday since the beginning of the year to know them and them us. Our church is huge so fellowship is hard unless you take initiative and make it happen.
We currently go to Living Hope Baptist Church.
who is bambalala?
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