World Cup Warnie....Round 2.
The above pictures were taken during the England v Sweeden game on Tuesday evening;
as you can see they clearly demonstrate the Prince of Blogger's interest in the beautiful game.
Several righteous and upstanding members of Jubilee Church reported hearing the following comments.
Adrian to his son Henry (30 seconds after the start of the match) ; "I thought England were playing"
Henry to Adrian: "They are Dad."
Adrian to Henry. "Where son? All I can see are a team in yellow and a team in red, and England play in white."
Adrian to anyone in earshot (after Frank Lampard shoots just wide) . "That would have gone in if the goals were a bit wider."
Adrian to Henry ( at the atart of the second half). "Oh! I get it; England keep changing the colour of their shirts; first white, then red, and now yellow."
To his credit however, he was the only person in the room who correctly diagnosed Michael Owen's injury some 48 hrs before it was confirmed by the press. With one eye on his blackberry, and the other casting a cursory glance on Mr. Owen writhing about in his agony throes, Doctor Warnie, with an air of supreme nonchalance, announced: "there goes his anterior cruchet ligament."
If only he had said something like..."Oh no! What will England do now? That Donkey Crouch will have to come on, and we will have to resort to a long ball game. Why on earth didn't Eriksson, pick Defoe or Bent instead of Walcott." (which is pretty much what everyone else in the room said. But then that is the languge of football, and one The Prince does not speak.